Spend more time coding, and less time finding bugs.
Console log and stacktrace integrated with Session replay, let engineers to understand what and why issues happened, leading to outstanding web performance.
No credit card is needed.

Works out of the box with every platforms
Easy installation. Be a Shopify, Wix website or advanced Javascript and SPAs such as Angular, Ember or React, Reactflow works out of the box in seconds when you install one line of the code into your website. It comes with integration apps and plugins for easy installation for popular platforms such as Shopify and Wordpress.
Reactflow can record your website properly even if your website is using latest technologies such as Shadow DOM.

Console logging
Every console message will be displayed in accordance with user activity. Clicking on each message will jump to time index when the message generated on the user browser.

Know where to fix via stack trace
We not only show you why an error happened, but we also show you exactly which line and function need to get fixed.

Privacy respected
You can blacklist or whitelist elements recordings. Tracking visitors anonymously, you do not have to worry about GDPR as Reactflow mask all texts and keystrokes by default out of the box, best yet, It does not distort template in recordings.
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Custom Tagging
Tag your customers by their plans, user ID or name to find videos from them easily. Unlimited tags can be assigned for each visitor manually or via your application codes.

Flexible Filters
Find the exact video you are looking for with filters that are capable of mixing advanced parameters.
Bug notification and logging
Nothing can block your sales more than bugs and hiccups. Reactflow helps you to solve them by extracting Javascript Stacktrace, Network and 404 errors from recordings and list them for you to watch exactly what they did which lead to error.
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Understand the impact of errors
Is an error going viral or is it an isolated issue? Are many users getting impacted by the same error? When did it first happen? Know the answers instantly.
Watch your prospects turn into customers. Literally.
Study your visitors behaviour pattern. Session replay is the most powerful tool for marketers, designers, product managers and developers. Uncover errors and see why your users are getting frustrated and leave. Watch what is blocking or distracting your customers, Pivot and repeat the analysis.
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Full context of visitors
See how they find your website, which pages they saw, how long they stay on your website. and of course watch what they did in each page.

Monitor page load speed
Visitors will leave your website if your website is loading slow. See how fast your web page is opening for each visitor and where is the culprit.

Add your team members
Let your developers, company's marketers, designers all have access to data collected. Set permission for each user and solve all the issues with all your team members onboard.

Share recordings with anyone instantly
Invite your team members to have access to all recordings, or share individual recordings with anyone instantly.

Leave comments on recordings
Got something to say about a specified user action to your team members? You may leave notes on any specific moment of the recording.

Stay on top of all errors
Get aware of 404 errors, Network errors, JavaScript errors, Console messages as soon as they happen. Do not wait for your customers to report them to you. If you are lucky, 1 out of 100 users might report issues they see back to you, rest will just leave your website.
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Screenshot of issues
Your visitors do not need any additional tools to take a screenshot of faulty features on your website.
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